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Construction Design & Management

Construction Design & Management

Under the Construction Design and Management- CDM Regulations 2015, Solar PV System Developers and Solar EPC companies have a duty to ensure that health and safety is given the highest priority during the planning and execution stages of all solar photovoltaic (PV) system works.
Early in the pre-construction phase of a project, the client must coordinate planning and design activities and ensure that steps are taken in design to avoid hazards and reduce risks.
At the same time, the client must appoint a “Principal Contractor” to manage the solar PV system construction work and ensure safe working in relation to workers, the public and others.

SolarTech-UK can assist you to fulfil the legal duties and construction phase reports under CDM 2015 using our experienced and competent team to assist with:

• Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate the entire construction phase.
• Take account of the health and safety risks to everyone affected by the work (including members of the public), in planning and managing the measures needed to control them.
• Liaise with the client and principal designer for the duration of the project to ensure that all risks are effectively managed.
• Prepare a written Construction Phase Plan (CPP) before the construction phase begins, implement, and then regularly review and revise it to make sure it remains fit for purpose.
• Have ongoing arrangements in place for managing health and safety throughout the construction phase.
• Consult and engage with workers about their health, safety and welfare.
• Ensure suitable welfare facilities are provided from the start and maintained throughout the construction phase.
• Check that anyone they appoint has the skills, knowledge, experience and, where relevant, the organizational capability to carry out their work safely and without risk to health.
• Ensure all workers have site-specific inductions, and any further information and training they need.
• Take steps to prevent unauthorized access to the site.
• Liaise with the principal designer to share any information relevant to the planning, management, monitoring and coordination of the pre-construction phase.


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